Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I like that word. It connotes a certain type of fun as in these unexpected organic, speckled butter beans or this lovely organic speckled eggplant:

Currently, I am witness to a speckled sky (snow), though my photos don't do it justice, so I'm not including one here. The snowy speckles make me happy because this winter in the deep South has been devoid of the Currier and Ives ambiance of my Virginia childhood. The snowfall lends a bright, hush to the day and reminds me of a magical memory from when I was three years old, making stained glass windows out of melted crayons with my sweet mom. I can feel her smiling now.

Speckles remind me of freckles across my sweet niece's and nephew's faces, and of my own speckled pup, Ellie Belly Jelly Bean:

Look at that grin -- I probably woke her from a dream of her earlier bird-dog days. The songbirds didn't realize until it was too late that she also could fly with her vertical 6 foot leap in days of yore. It's true -- she wasn't a vegan dog, but she does love carrots and raw sweet potatoes! The old girl is not quite as spry anymore, so the birds can relax around here as she munches another tuber.

I'm enjoying this speckled day in the spirit of my "Happy" Board on Pinterest (here's a link if you want to take a peek at random photos et al which bestow giggles: http://www.pinterest.com/cherylasalinas/happy/)

Enough of the spotty-happy-stream-of-consciousness, back to business. Here's what became of my speckled beans:

These were SO GOOD! I'm not kidding. I used a recipe from the epic culinary tome Veganomicon, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Those girls know what they're doing. I've not made a bad dish from the book. This recipe, "Mediterranean Lima Beans", lent itself well to my organic speckled beans. I have never tasted better beans. When I wasn't eating them I was daydreaming about eating them, and now I miss them.

Next, I'll put that speckled eggplant to good use.  I'll keep you posted . . .

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