This baby bok choy side dish last night was so easy and delicious. I cut two bbchoys in lengthwise quarters then threw 'em into a big bowl of water for a minute. It's easier to clean tightly layered veggies such as cabbage, leeks, etc. after you open those layers. While the bbchoy was soaking, I sauteed half a chopped onion in coconut oil and a little olive oil then added the drained veggies at medium-high heat for two minutes, and finally one lightly chopped garlic clove before I took it off the heat, letting it all sit, covered, for another minute. Garlic burns quickly, so I always add it last.
From crisper to plate, this dish took five minutes. Think you don't have time to prepare fresh veggies? Think again!
From crisper to plate, this dish took five minutes. Think you don't have time to prepare fresh veggies? Think again!
Looks SOOOO the colors. <3