Friday, October 30, 2015

Spooky Juice

I wasn't really thinking about Halloween until after I took a look at this hue. Look how bloody/pumpkiny it is!  This elixir:  purple cabbage, orange, ginger and daikon radish, was especially zippy in flavor. I had forgotten the power of the daikon and probably used too big a piece.  After the first couple of sips my palate adjusted and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Cozy Veggies

Here are a couple of warm, veggie-full photos perfect for our cooler, wetter weather these last few days. This one is my take on Veganomicon's gumbo recipe. Mine has more liquid smoke, more veggies that were in my larder and garden (Chinese longbeans), plus extra fresh greens and quinoa, with which one can never go wrong. Delish!

This turmeric drink was just right while sitting by the fire the other evening. I wanted something a little sweet and this fit the bill. I just grated about a tablespoon of fresh turmeric root and warmed it with almond milk.  I spooned up the pulpy goodness at the bottom too. Give it a try!